Here is a list of all modules with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼NACPI | Abstracts the ACPI standard that provides interfaces for hardware detection, device configuration, and energy management |
►NMADS | |
NAPIC | Information about the (extended) Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller |
NApplicationProcessor | Application Processor Boot |
NNMI | |
▼NCore | Implements an abstraction for CPU internals |
NInterrupt | Exception and Interrupt control |
CCR | Access to the Control Register |
►CMSR | Access to the Model-Specific Register (MSR) |
▼NCPUID | Query information about the processor |
NCSU | C StartUp (CSU) required by the compiler and provided by the c standard library |
▼NFPU | For the sake of simplicity we call it just FPU, although this is for MMX and SSE as well |
▼NGDT | Abstracts the GDT that, primarily, contains descriptors to memory segments |
NGuard | Synchronizes the kernel with interrupts using the Prologue/Epilogue Model |
▼NHPET | Abstraction of the HPET existing in "modern" computers (since ~2005) |
▼NIDT | "Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) |
▼NIOAPIC | Abstraction of the I/O APIC that is used for management of external interrupts |
▼NLAPIC | Abstracts the local APIC (which is integrated into every CPU core) |
►NIPI | Inter-Processor Interrupts |
►NTimer | Local Timer (for each LAPIC / CPU) |
NMath | Basic math helper functions |
▼NMultiboot | Interface for Multiboot |
NPIC | The Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC aka 8259A) |
▼NPIT | Abstraction of the historical Programmable Interval Timer (PIT) |
NPlugbox | Object-oriented abstraction of an device interrupt table |
NPS2Controller | PS/2 Controller |
NSystem | General System functions |
NTSC | Access to the Timestamp Counter (of the current Core) |